5/4/2022 0 Comments A Quick Follow UpThank you to those of you who responded to our most recent newsletter with financial gifts, prayers and words of encouragement. We have felt your prayers and we are encouraged! Finances and Summer NeedsSarah will arrive in the States later this week to work. She is excited for this opportunity to work with Spanish speakers in the Lake Charles area, and will be sharing a ride to work with Maddy for the month of May. There is still a need for a vehicle for her for the months of June and July as it looks like she and Maddy will be working different jobs for the summer. Please pray for the background check paperwork to process quickly so Sarah can begin working within the first week she arrives. Please also pray for details to be worked out for the summer school ESL position. Continue to pray for Gerald and Coleman as they are looking to join Sarah in the states for the month of July. Franco Roca FamilyFor those of you who have been praying for our young friend whose mother has been seriously ill, please be in prayer for the Franco Roca Family as they grieve the loss of their mother. She passed away this past week, and it has been a very emotional time for us and our school family. Sarah was able to spend some time with our friend yesterday evening, and she is feeling very alone in the world. She did ask about attending church with us so we are thankful for this. Please pray for her heart as she grieves and pray that God would be very real to her and that she would pursue a relationship with Him. Gerald and S.E.W. at IASSpiritual Emphasis Week is fast approaching. Please be praying for all the final details to fall into place, as there have been some last minute changes. Be in prayer for the teachers as they prepare messages as the scheduled speaker from the states is unable to come. Pray that the teachers will be able to faithfully and genuinely share from the Psalms as they address “What to do when I am feeling…” with both middle and high school. The committee Gerald is a part of is working hard to make this an impactful week despite all the restrictions in place. Pray for hearts of the students attending to be open to hear from God. MaddyWhile Maddy may not be with us in Guatemala, God is working in her life and has given her an amazing ministry during her time in the States. She has been working as a Bilingual Paraprofessional in a Junior High School. She works with a group of students who speak very little English and her heart for these students is evident in the stories she shares with us almost daily. She will begin studying at McNeese University in the fall while continuing her job with the school. Please pray for her stamina and courage to work full time as well as study full time. She has gotten involved in a wonderful church and has become very active in the young adult ministry. She will be traveling with them on a mission trip to Arlington, TX working in an impoverished neighborhood with Spanish speakers. She will definitely be in her element. Please pray for her safety as well as her heart as she serves on this team. ColemanColeman will be spending much time working independently with Sarah in the States and Gerald at school. Please pray for his determination and perseverance to do his work well and with understanding. He will be having a few small adventures during these next few weeks, please pray that these will be fruitful and beneficial to him as he learns and grows. A Recap of Prayer Requests
We are beyond thankful to those of you who faithfully lift our family and ministry up in prayer. Blessings to you, the Lastrapes
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Gerald and Sarah LastrapesAlong with their two children are missionaries in Guatemala. They will be sharing stories of discipleship through prison and shelter ministries. Archives
September 2022
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